Conference by Marcio ARAUJO

"The ecology of individuals: What have we learned and where should we go? "
by Marcio ARAUJO (UNESP – Brazil)

Abstract :
For the most part, ecological theory assumes that individuals are ecologically equivalent. Yet individuals within natural populations can show substantial niche variation and, as a consequence, interact with different competitors, predators, and parasites. In a review published in 2003, Bolnick et al. showed that this individual niche variation was widespread across a broad range of invertebrate and vertebrate taxa, sparking a renewed interest on the topic. Since then, many studies have sought to determine the mechanisms that generate and maintain this variation and investigated its evolutionary and ecological implications. In this talk, I will review the main findings of this recent literature and point directions for future research in the field.

Place : Salle Jeuniaux, Institut de Zoologie, Quai Van Beneden, 22 - 4020 Liège (Belgium)
Date : 17/12/2014
Time : 16h - 17h

Marcio ARAUJO is Assistant Professor in the Department of Ecology at the São Paulo State University (UNESP) at Rio Claro, Brazil, and the head of the Evolutinary Ecology Laboratory. His research focus on how ecological interactions such as predation and competition shape the patterns of ecological and phenotypic variation within and between populations. In addition, he investigates the consequences of this variation for the ecological and evolutionary dynamics of populations. His eam combines observational and experimental work on natural populations as well as mathematical modelling to address these topics. Although we are not restricted to any specific taxonomic group, we have used freshwater and estuarine fishes as our main model systems in the last few years.!/departamentos/ecologia/laboratorio-de-ecologia-evolutiva/